Ansham Kaushal
5 min readJul 26, 2023



SEHT is a company that aims to simplify and streamline health and well-being management for families. Their mission is to help busy families manage their loved one’s health, appointments, medical records, and overall medical needs.

MY ROLE (Co-Founder)

Research, Analysis, Product design, Design systems, User-testing, Product management, Business planning


Ansham Kaushal


2 Months (Research and Design)


The health sector is still way behind when it comes to digitization.

If we look at the current market and the health system the whole healthcare system is still behind the patients have to carry big documents with them finding the best care is still very difficult for the lower and middle-class patients.


How could we help users track their health digitally effectively?


Research & Competitor Analysis

Analyzing our competitors and gaining a deep understanding of the market provided me with valuable insights into user behavior, user journeys, current market trends, and user requirements.

Competitor Analysis


In total, 30 individuals were surveyed, and voice interviews were conducted with 5 participants.

Conversation Overview


🤨Lack of context

The user felt that the current applications are not providing the user with the right understanding of what the service can do for them.

🤦‍♀️Frustrating user experience

Some applications were hindering the user flow and there were lots of breakpoints eventually creating cognitive friction and leading to frustration.

🗺️Not clear navigation

The users were lost in certain areas throughout the applications resulting the users in confusion and misunderstanding.

📔Lack of technical literacy

The healthcare industry is still very behind with digitization, especially in developing countries like India. Due to this users are also unaware of healthcare digitization.



To understand the user, I used the empathy map.

An empathy map assisted in delineating my understanding of the users, shedding light on the underlying motivations driving certain user actions in a profound manner.

To understand the user, I used the user journey mapping.

The user mapping provided me a valuable insight into which features are likely to have a greater impact on the users’ moods, requirements, and preferences.

To understand the user, I used value propositioning.

The value proposition proved to be a valuable group exercise that helped us determine which features to include in the application and what benefits would be realized by both users and the business.


Collaborative brainstorming sessions with my team provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the potential scope for our future product.

We’ve identified a portion of the ultimate features we intend to address in the future, focusing on user comprehension and MVP development.

Quick idea sketching gave us an idea of how the features could look


I’ve organized attributes using the Impact Effort Matrix to create a 2x2 matrix.

I’ve employed a 2x2 matrix to delineate the prioritization of features. This matrix aids in determining which features hold greater significance and should be developed first while also assessing their potential future inclusion. Moreover, it allows for an evaluation of feature scope and their respective values to both users and the business.


I used user flows for efficiency, emphasizing minimal steps and time consumption.

I prioritize user flows that are oriented towards efficiency, emphasizing the shortest possible number of steps and minimal time required. This approach ensures that I streamline the process to make it as quick and straightforward as possible, ultimately enhancing the user experience.


Creating Prototypes

I’ve generated initial rapid prototypes to gain insights into feature functionality, allowing the team to comprehend the feature and assess user flow while pinpointing potential issues.

Upload the health reports to the application and share them with the users.

Find the doctors near your location and contact the doctor


Upload reports

Find nearby doctors

Family Account

What I learned!​​

  • Starting with a small idea and transforming it into a functional product from the ground up was quite challenging, but it offered me a valuable opportunity for new learning and growth.​
  • My project had limited resources since I worked on it independently. I believe that collaborating with a team would have enriched the project with more ideas, allowed for experimentation with novel concepts, and facilitated more comprehensive user research.​
  • During the interview, I noticed significant disparities between the user’s perspective and my own assumptions, reinforcing the importance of approaching the app from the user’s viewpoint rather than relying on my own conjectures.​
  • This project has afforded me a profound insight into the existing healthcare system in India. It has become apparent that the system falls short of delivering a smooth and user-friendly experience. Our conversations with users revealed numerous areas where significant enhancements are needed. Additionally, we observed a scarcity of competitors actively tackling this problem at the moment.
Ansham Kaushal

I believe in the principle - "when you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." - Marc Anthony